Top 10 Pharma Company Sees 5:1 ROI Using List Match



The marketing team at a top 10 global pharma company was looking to educate NPs/PAs in dermatology and inform them about their medication. The client wanted to use primarily digital methods to get the word out particularly among NPs/PAs.


NP/PA Engage used List Match technology to pinpoint over 24,000 NP/PA targets. Almost 9,000 of these contacts were direct matches to NPs/PAs on the client’s target list and the other 15,000 of them were found to have a close association with the client’s target MDs. NP/PA Engage then proposed a combination of a banners, emails and newsletters to inform these 24,000 highly relevant NPs/PAs about the pharma company’s medication.


The client calculated a 5:1 ROI by monitoring prescription writing increases of the medication among the targeted NPs/PAs in the NP/PA Engage campaign.

Over 1,000 NPs/PAs clicked links to read more about dosing and/or co-pay assistance and savings information for their patients. Because the email, banner and newsletter recipients were List Match targeted NPs/PAs, all those who requested more information were targeted HCPs who mattered most to the success of the client’s business.

NP/PA Engage reported detailed results at the individual practitioner level allowing the pharma company to track changes in their behavior, and determine that the revenue generated from the NP/PA Engage campaign yielded a 5:1 ROI. This client has since returned to NP/PA Engage for new NP/PA campaigns to continue promoting their medications.

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